Let's Met


November 2019 to December 2019


User experience design, user interaction design, JAMstack development


HTML, CSS, React, Redux, React hooks, Sketch

Surf The Web Again

Looking to practice React hooks and Redux, I browsed public APIs until I found the Met Collection’s digital database. This was a great opportunity to build something I would also enjoy using: something to help discover and appreciate different types of art and curate my own gallery.

This was a fun, creative project that was small enough to dive into and simple enough for me to practice adding features and optimizing performances using a newly learned framework.

Let's Met: Curate your own gallery from the MET Collection database

‘The Opportunity

Search engines can help you find what you think or know you’d like to see more of, but what of discovery?

With a push-economy of ads, algorithmically selected media, and narrowing horizon of ‘tastes’ mainstreamed directly into your eyeball-feed, the magic of discovery is fading: you can’t tell a search engine to surprise you without giving it some kind of prompt, intention, or keyword. I wanted a minimal way to browse an online gallery/collection of art spanning a variety of mediums, histories, culture, and types without having to provide a prompt.

Discover inspiration and history


Full preview of a piece in minimal setting

Bookmark your favorite pieces and collect them in your gallery


Try It

Click here to surf the Metropolitan Museum's digital database and curate your own gallery.